Ohio Mom Calls 911 on Son Who Won’t Help Clean Apartment
People of Ohio seem to be confused about when it is appropriate to call 911.
Let me give you a handful of examples that happened over the last couple of months in Ohio of people misusing 911.�� There's the Ohio man that called 911 to tell on his wife that was an hour late because she was hooking up with another dude. How about the Ohio woman that called 911 after her parents cancelled her cell service? We can't forget about the Ohio man that called 911 twenty five times because he wanted help finding his missing hoodie.
Well, a confused Ohio person has struck again according to Cleveland.com,
On April 20, police were dispatched to a North Church Drive apartment complex after a dispatcher could hear screaming in the background of a 911 call.
When the police arrived an officer found the 911 caller in the lobby of her apartment building. She told law enforcement that she call the emergency line because her son wouldn't help her clean the apartment.
If this is the first time the frustrated mother used 911 in this manner, we can probably chalk this up to a mean case of cabin fever. We're not used to be stuck with our family members all day, every day. It's just not right.
The police didn't charge the Parma Heights, OH mother for misuse of 911. Nor did they charge the caller's son with being lazy.

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