Martinez Market In Chicago Has A Burrito The Size of An Arm
We have had so much in the way of Mexican food news recently. From the closing of the Coldwater Nonla Taqueria, to the expansion of the Torti Taco Bar & Grill in Downtown Battle Creek, The new location of Fat Burrito in Holland, and even asking the Kalamazoo community who has the best Mexican food in Kalamazoo. It's easily one of the most popular types of food in the area. But I just discovered a burrito that takes about 2 hours to get to from Kalamazoo that is the size of your arm and costs a little over $30.
Martinez Market & Grill located at 3301 S. Morgan Chicago, IL, US 60608 has got one serious burrito. I guess you could call it a challenge but really, just taking one look at this thing you wonder how any one person could eat this thing in one sitting. Known as the Big baby Burrito, it stands at 24 inches long, and weighs in at 6 to 7 pounds. The overall consensus from commenters on the picture of the arm-sized burrito is that this place crushes out some awesome food and word about the burrito has traveled fast. That "as long as your arm" description wasn't an exaggeration either. Just look at the size comparison...

There is a regular Baby Burrito, but even that one measures to about a foot and weighs between 2 to 3 pounds. The Big baby is so large in fact it's got its own carrying box for take out orders. They also have different burrito options, as well as tacos, weekend specials, tamales, tostadas, quesadillas, tortas, nachos and a bunch more on their menu as well.
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