MSP Offers Tips For Safe Flooding Cleanup In Southwest Michigan
Floodwaters have finally receded in most of Southwest Michigan, but it’s now cleanup time.
Many streets in Kalamazoo could have debris on them, and many homes and businesses also need to be assessed for damage.
The Michigan State Police are advising people to stay safe in the cleanup process. Commander of the MSP Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division Capt. Chris Kelenske says in a release that they want everyone to "take the necessary precautions" to deal with the dangers that water damage can bring.
When it comes to cleaning up around your property, if your home was flooded the MSP says that mold should be a big concern. In order to prevent mold growth, you need to clean and dry out buildings quickly, and do things like use fans open all doors and windows to speed up the process. As well, things like carpet and furniture should be thrown away if they got wet, if they cannot get dried quickly.
People who are removing debris from their property need to be aware of steps to take to avoid injury. The MSP says that homeowners need to pace themselves, and avoid working alone; if you are moving large or heavy items, use at least two people, and wear the proper protective equipment.
More tips for cleaning up after a flood can be found by visiting the State of Michigan's website.
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