Michigan Senate Passes Bill To Allow Dogs On Restaurant Patios
What would it mean for Southwest Michigan if the The House of Representatives passes the bill?
Dogs are currently banned from all restaurants, including patios in the State of Michigan. Well, that could soon change because of Senate Bill 727 being passed by the Michigan Senate.
"Senate Bill 727 would allow dogs on patios and put some rules in place. The area would have to be free of dog hair and regularly disinfected, for instance, and the dog would have to be accompanied by somebody over 18. Dogs would have to be on leashes, and employees who petted dogs would have to wash their hands before serving customers.
And the bill also lets local governments and restaurants decide if this is something they'd like to take on." - mlive
If you have a dog and have eaten on a patio, the thought has at least crossed your mind to have your dog there with you. The bill has been sent to the House of Representatives for "consideration".
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