Punxsutawney Phil, who? Did you know Michigan has its own weather prognosticating groundhog?

Each February 2nd while the rest of the country turns to Pennsylvania's famous forecaster, Punxsutawney Phil, Michiganders will look to a different rodent for their weather forecast.

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Meet Woody the Woodchuck

Woody is Michigan's official Groundhog Day groundhog and has been making weather predictions for nearly 3 decades! She resides in Howell, Michigan at the Howell Nature Center where fans gather each February and eagerly await her news.

Woody Woodchuck Michigan
Woody Woodchuck Michigan - WILX Studio 10 via YouTube

However, Woody's weather-predicting style is a little different than Phil's. According to weather tracker Groundhog-Day.com,

Unlike the ‘shadow’ technique used by most groundhogs, Woody’s forecast is determined by the time she spends outside on a ceremonial tree stump: 30 seconds or longer means an early spring, any less means a chilly six more weeks of winter.

Woody's Forecasting Record

This year Woody will make her 27th prediction on Sunday, February 2 at 7:30 a.m., but online you can view her track record dating all the way back to 1999. Last Groundhog Day Woody did not stay on her stump for 30 seconds predicting 6 more weeks of winter. In 2023 Woody predicted an early spring.

Woodchuck vs. Groundhog-- Is There a Difference?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: woodchucks and groundhogs are the same animal! In fact, the Michigan DNR lists groundhogs/woodchucks under "nuisance wildlife." Adds the DNR,

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are large squirrels that are strict herbivores. They eat grasses, plants, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and other plant matter. Groundhogs hibernate in their dens during the winter months.

Good luck on Sunday, Woody, we're all counting on you!

15 Reasons Why Spring Is Genuinely Michigan's Worst Season

What's great about Michigan is that it actually gets to experience all four seasons in the year. But just because we have all four seasons doesn't mean that we have to like them all. Case and point; Spring is the absolute worst season in Michigan. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some redeeming factors like the fact that plant life starts to bloom again and that we finally start to see warmer weather after a frigid winter. But that doesn't change the fact that spring is the worst season in Michigan, and we have the receipts to prove it. Take a look at the list below for 15 reasons why spring is just the worst.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

7 Must-See Spring Destinations in Michigan

It's been a long winter in Michigan. Now that we're thawing out, here are the best places to visit in Michigan during springtime.

Gallery Credit: Lauren Gordon

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