M.S.U. Said No To Richard Spencer But U of M May Say Yes
White Nationalist Richard Spencer wants to speak at U of M, and they might just let him.
Michigan State University denied Richard Spencer the opportunity to speak on their campus, but the University of Michigan has yet to say no to hosting him. '
According to Mlive.com...
"The University of Michigan has received a request to reserve a venue to have controversial white nationalist speaker Richard Spencer speak on campus."
Back in July, Michigan State University denied Richard Spencer's request to speak on their campus, siting that...
"it was highly likely there be violence if Mr. Spencer were permitted to appear on campus."
Since that decision, Spencer's National Policy Institute has sued the University in federal court.
Now, Spencer wants to speak on the University of Michigan's campus. The University has received the offer back in September and U of M President Mark Schlissel said...
"a balance must be struck when considering free speech on campuswhile assuring students, faculty, staff and the community remain safe."
President Schlissel went on to explain...
"We wouldn't look at the content of the speech, but we'd consider with the speaker, how to manage the time, place and manner of the speech in a legal fashion that allows a person to get their ideas out, but also does as much as we can to assure the physical safety of community," Schlissel said. "So it's hard. We talk a lot about how we'd approach certain scenarios, and we'll have to see."
We will have to wait to hear what U of M decides, and see how everything plays out in court for MSU.
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