Kalamazoo May See First Snowfall Within A Week
Well, it's the dreaded time of the year again where we have to bring back up the "S" word and accept that we are getting closer and closer to Winter. We've already started to take a sneak peak into the winter season, guessing when the first snowfall may come. Using historical data, November 13th was the original expected date, but we may see it sooner than we expected. We've already seen the lower peninsula start to get snowfall as early as last week in Gaylord. There is some good news to take away from this however.
As of 10/21, WWMT is stating that they're expecting rain and snow showers on Tuesday, October 27th for the Kalamazoo area. Originally there was snowfall expected on Sunday the 25th, but that forecast has since changed, as all weather patterns do. The good things we can take away are this: We are talking about a weather pattern prediction that is 6 days away. At any point, that could change and push our first snowfall back. Another key thing to remember, it's not like we're gonna be dealing with a blizzard. Any snowfall we may receive on the 27th would most likely be light and non-accumulative to a substantial degree.
So for now let's just enjoy the cold, cloudy and wet weather we get until it's crunch time. I actually am a fan of snow, until it reaches around January...then it's just overkill. Until then, I'm gonna soak up every bit of Autumn that I can and I suggest you do the same.

READ MORE: 10 Tips To Help You Prepare Your Plants For Winter
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