There seems to be one common denominator with many of the entries for the 103.3 KFR/Meijer High School Athlete of the Week.

They seem to have these characteristics in common: "Leader." "Motivator." "Good teammate."

And this week's winner is no exception.

Jacob Gray
Photo provided by Megan Bierlein

That's how Jacob Gray, of Lawton High School, was described by his brother-in-law and sister.

"He's one of the most dedicated hard-working students I have ever seen," Jacob's brother-in-law Jonathan Bierlein said. "He is a real team player and a great attribute in athletics. Along with his academics, he's a real role model for other kids."

In addition to athletics, where he participated in football, wrestling and track, academically Jacob is a member of the National Honor Society. And now he's one of the select few to be named a 103.3 KFR/Meijer High School Athlete of the Week.

If you of someone who is deserving of the lofty title of 103.3 KFR/Meijer High School Athlete of the Week, click below.

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