Bachelor Party From Michigan Rescue Puppies
Mitchel Craddock of Vicksburg had a bachelor and the parting gifts were puppies.
Mitchel and 8 of his buddies went to Tennessee to celebrate his upcoming wedding with male bonding, and 4-wheeling when a dog stole all their hearts.
The men were cooking bacon with the front door to the cabin open when a female dog just showed up. She sat in the door way, not wishing to enter but just watching. The guys soon realized that the dog was malnourished, dehydrated, and had recently given birth. They took the pup under their wings and starting feeding her when they noticed something. Mitchel told ABC news ...
Then we noticed the dog was protecting a spot in the woods. There they found a big hole with puppies — seven of them. “We set each pup individually down in front of her, and she nuzzled their faces, and she checked out the pups, and to the person holding them, she gave the look of ‘It’s OK, I trust you,’”
Each gentlemen spent the weekend bathing the dogs and taking their beer fund and using it to purchase puppy food. They named Momma dog Annie, and Mitchel told Mlive.com...
"We're guessing they were maybe around 5 or 6 weeks old," Craddock said, and although their mother was very malnourished, the pups were robust. "We were proud of her," he said. "She gave everything she had to those puppies."
The guys decided they could not leave Annie and the puppies so they brought them home. The little family has all been to the Veterinarian and are in great health and the best news is they all have forever homes.
Mitchel's grandparents took Annie and one of the puppies, the rest were taken by men from the bachelor party. Mitchel said the great thing is that they all live with 5 miles of each other so the puppies will always have their litter mates and Momma near.
Oh and just for the record the puppies names are Rosie, Bear, Finn, Knox, Daisy and Brimmie.
What awesome guys, gives this weary world a faith.
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