You Have A Chance To Win A Million Dollars
Do you have what it takes to outwit, outplay. outlast?
Michiganders now have the chance to test themselves and maybe get a pocket full of cash! Mlive shared the announcement that anyone can win a million bucks and show what they are made of! Here is the deal
CBS 62 Detroit is holding an open casting call on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Value City Furniture in Novi. This will be the first open call in the area since 2017. The only other open casting currently scheduled is next month in Oregon.
Here are the requirements..
●All contestants must be 18 years or older at the time of application, except that if you reside in one of the five states listed below, you must be at least the following age:Alabama: 19 years or olderDistrict of Columbia: 21 years or olderMississippi: 21 years or olderNebraska: 19 years or olderWyoming: 19 years or older
●All contestants must be United States citizens and be living in the United States.
●All contestants must be in excellent physical and mental health.
●All applicants must authorize Producers to conduct a background check.
●All semi-finalists will be required to complete and timely return the Medical History Form (to be furnished to the selected applicants).
●All semi-finalists must undertake physical and psychological examinations and testing (to be conducted in Los Angeles by medical personnel selected by the Producers) and meet all physical and psychological requirements.
●To receive an invitation to be a semi-finalist, each applicant must complete and timely return the Applicant Agreement Package (to be furnished to the selected applicants).
●All semi-finalists must have a valid United States passport.
●Applicants who are selected as contestants cannot be candidates for public office until afterthe initial broadcast of all programs in which they appear.
I can't want to see another person from Michigan on the show! Good Luck!
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