Benson Show Rant: Former Ch. 3 Anchor Jeff Varner Did A Horrible Thing on Survivor, But Plenty Of Blame To Go Around
If you're a fan of Survivor, you probably saw former Ch. 3 news guy do something he had no business doing. He's been almost universally condemned. But, let me add something to this that doesn't absolve him, but does put a lot of blame on CBS.First of all, always remember the unbreakable rule:
There is nothing real about reality television.
Otherwise, why are there writing award categories for Reality shows? And, as the late Johnny Carson said about Survivor, there is no real danger. There's a union crew behind the camera. There ain't no real danger here, kids.
But back to last night's show. I'm not going to share what Varner said. There's plenty of place you can find it, but it's wrong what he uttered.
But, excuse me, except for the finale, I don't believe Survivor is broadcast live. So, if this thing Varner did was so bad, why didn't CBS edit it out? And even if it was live, there is always a 10 second (or more) delay, just in case a Janet Jackson like situation happens.
Maybe you've figured it out, too. Survivor is old. It's been on for something like 17 years. Rating aren't what they used to be, and there's a lot of competition out there. Why not get some free publicity? Get a little ratings pop for the grand old show?
What Varner did was wrong. But CBS, shame on you. The Tiffany Network, you are no more.