What Are These Unidentified Abandoned Ruins in Newaygo, Michigan?
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
I can't find any information on what these ruins in Newaygo used to be. They are not the remains of the abandoned Rowe Manufacturing Company – those ruins sit alongside the Muskegon River. But these crumblings are back in the woods on Brooks Creek, a tad southeast of the Rowe factory.
Any time I try to Google info, all that comes up is Rowe's. So I'm hoping someone who reads this can shed some light on what it once was.
A sawmill?
Water works?
Grain mill?
Another factory or plant?
Old bridge?
Since it's sitting along the creek, I guess a safe assumption would be some kind of mill, or something that required water power. Looking at the photos, it appears that it was quite extensive. So have a look at the gallery below and see if you can figure out what this was – once upon a time.
Unidentified Ruins in Newaygo
Abandoned Native American Boarding School & Asylum, Mount Pleasant
Abandoned Sugar Factory Ruins, Bay City
Abandoned Unknown Mine, Upper Peninsula
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