Stock Photos From Our Media Center That Will Make You Say ‘WTF?’
I'm sure by now after years of being on the internet that sometimes you'll run into an article that has a picture representing it that may be a little off. Something about it will seem goofy, strange, hyper-focused, and so on. There's a reason for that. You can't just take a picture that someone from a news source in Kalamazoo took of the Radisson or the Kalamazoo Building and post it to your article. News brands have exclusive rights to those pictures. Also, being that we are not only On-Air personalities, we also have many other tasks we perform daily.
This busy schedule sometimes doesn't allow us to go out and get pictures of everything we want. We don't have personal photographers who get paid to drive dozens of miles to get a photo for an article we're writing about. So sometimes we have to dip into our media center. It's where we keep images that we are legally allowed to use that cover a wide spread of topics which can be used as needed. While surfing through this ocean of pictures leads you to some great images, you can also go down a weird rabbit hole.
We have some weird ass pictures in our media center. I mean, pictures that lead me to wonder "Who made these?, How did we get these?," and" How would I ever use this?" Well, I found a way. Let's take a look at some of the weirdest pictures I could find. If it doesn't make you say "WTF," it'll definitely make you say, What the trash?" Enjoy: