Robots Can Now Save You A Parking Spot On Black Friday
This morning I was telling you about this new robot idea that will help save you a parking spot. If you missed the story, they're called 'My Park' robots and basically for a small fee you can rent this robot to save you a parking spot if you happen to be shopping at a busy mall. (Are malls even that busy anymore?)
It seems pretty easy to work. According to a report from Forbes, you get an app, pay a small fee and the little device moves to an open parking spot and saves it for you. In the picture I originally saw, the robots looked a little too small but I guess they do expand up a couple of feet. However, I'm still thinking some aggressive drivers here in Michigan might just run it over. (You know how they can be.)
Here's a video of how the whole 'My Park' robot thing works. Also, if you want to find out more about them you can click here. I can't wait to tell Banana Don about this new robot news when he gets back from know how he is about robots.