Rare Color Video of Kalamazoo From The 1930’s Surfaces: Watch Here
I love vintage things. Whether it's clothing, video, pictures, it doesn't matter. I'm also a huge fan of history. Strange that until I moved here 3 years ago I had never really experienced Kalamazoo to it's fullest extent. Now that I'm here I love learning about our history and the way things used to look. Recently on the Vanished Kalamazoo Facebook page, someone posted a video shot in the 1930's which lasts over 4 minutes, shooting different areas of Kalamazoo.
The film itself is silent which prompted a comedic comment from the person who posted the film, as they described:
A panoramic look at the city and it's surroundings as it was in the 1930s, from the roof of the Upjohn building (#5) on Lovell street in a clip from a film in the Prelinger Archives. A very nice look at the building itself too, constructed in 1891 and demolished in the Fall of 1953. Our clip ends with a look at one of the Upjohn farm locations and it's stable of horses.
Oh it's a silent clip, sorry, so cue up some Eddy Duchin, Benny Goodman, or Fats Waller and relive some Vanished, Vintage Kalamazoo.
Here is the video as it appears on the page. This is a really cool find. The Kalamazoo Public Library is also a great place to check out if you're into old photography of Kalamazoo as well. It would be sweet if we could eventually have a place where we can enjoy stuff like this in a building. Til then, Vanished Kalamazoo it is.

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