If you haven't been seeing 'police cats' popping up on the internet recently let me fill you in. According to WDIV 4 Detroit, the Troy Police Department in Michigan posted a tweet on their twitter account last week asking the twitter world for follows, saying that if they hit 10,000 followers by the end of the month they will get a police cat.

So far the tweet has engaged over 1,000 people to follow their page bringing them up to over 8,000 already. Other police departments added comedy to the situation, like the Michigan State Police of Metro Detroit who responded by saying:

While the hat is awesome it can lead to hasty decisions. We spoke with certain members of our department and the thought of a cat walking around the post was not well received. I am thinking they are not "cat people"

The tweet was sent with a picture of one of their K-9 dogs. No word yet on the actual possibility of them getting a police cat, but I gave them a follow to help the cause anyway. Go follow them right...meow.



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