Believe It Not, Michigan’s Mosquito Season Has Already Started
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it-- or been bitten-- myself!
Now that the joys of spring have finally started to appear in West Michigan, my family decided to celebrate the Easter holiday outdoors. Not only did we hold the traditional Easter egg hunt outdoors, but with the high pushing 70 degrees we decided to eat dinner out on the deck as well.

We were all in disbelief when my mom pointed out a mosquito buzzing around the table. Again, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself. Despite the recent rainfall, doesn't it seem a bit early for mosquitoes?
Here's what we can expect as far as mosquitoes in West Michigan this season:
When Is Mosquito Season?
According to the Rose Pest Solutions, mosquitos can start to appear in the midwestern states of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio beginning in late March with,
Optimal mosquito conditions consist of average temperatures above 50 degrees with above average moisture.
Again, we did just have some extreme rainfall but has the water been stagnant long enough for mosquitoes to thrive?
Mosquitos in March
One reason we're seeing mosquitoes start to appear is because they never really left! It turns out adult mosquitoes and their eggs don't necessarily die over the winter, they just go into hibernation. As the Mosquito Squad describes it,
our mosquito species we have here in Michigan, the vast majority of them evolved here. They evolved to deal with our winter.
How to Avoid Being Bitten
Mosquitoes can be found in Michigan from late March through November, with peak mosquito activity expected to hit in July.
To help keep the mosquitoes at bay this summer make sure you get rid of any standing or stagnant water such as gutters, bird baths, or drainage ditches, as these create the perfect environment for a female mosquito to lay her eggs.
When it comes to bug spray experts recommend using repellents with DEET. However, if you're sensitive to this strong ingredient, repellents with picaridin are equally effective in repelling both mosquitoes and ticks.
We Michiganders are used to dealing with pesky mosquitoes so this isn't anything new, but brace yourself because it could be a long, itchy summer ahead! Check out some of the best bug spray reviews here.
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