Michigan Has A Haunted Psychiatric Hospital And Is Calling You
Forget staged haunted houses this season, why not visit a real haunted Psychiatric Hospital right here in Michigan?
Eloise Psychiatric Hospital was a large complex located in Westland, Michigan. It was named after Eloise Dickerson Davock, the daughter of Detroit's postmaster. It operated from 1839 to early 1982. Starting out as a poor house and farm, it eventually developed into an asylum, sanatorium and hospital.
Over the years there have been paranormal sightings at the old abandoned facility. Now, you can find out for yourself if the haunting is real...
This is the description that Eventbrite.com gives about the haunted tour...
Hosted by Motor City Ghost Hunters, this years paranormal experience will be brought to a whole new level. Each two hour tour will take attendees floor by floor, including the basement which was unaccessable during last years fall tours, and will include a variety of paranormal investigative experiences:
It is a little price ($65.00) per person, but if you discover a ghost along the way of the tour, it will be well worth it!
Check Out The Eloise Psychiatric Hospital
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