MI Appeals Court To Decide If Larry Nassar Was Harshly Sentenced
Just when you thought the case against Larry Nassar was finished, we find out it is not over.
The case that shocked so many and broke many more hearts will be revisited by the Michigan Court of Appeals. It was back in January that Nbcnews.com reported that...
Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Nassar to a maximum of 175 years in prison for molesting seven young girls while saying he was treating them.
Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is at the core of the case not being laid to rest. It has been announced that...
The Michigan Court of Appeals agreed Monday to review a judge’s potentially unfair treatment of former Olympics gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar.
What is the unfair treatment that the court is entertaining? It is the comments made by Lansing-area Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. The judge was quoted (in court and on the record) as saying...
she might let people do to Nassar what he did to the girls if the Constitution didn't prohibit cruel and unusual punishment
she had signed his "death warrant."
I wouldn't send my dogs to you, sir.
Those statements led Larry Nassar attorneys now to say they believe that the judge had decided her ruling before the court case even started.
So now, the Michigan Court of Appeals have taken over, and we will all wait again to hear the sentence for Larry Nassar.