Mattawan Parents Are Being Asked To Keep Kids Home If The Are Sick
Mattawan High School was scrubbed from head to toe due to the virus sweeping through the school.
Over the weekend, the custodians and bus drivers of Mattawan Schools, cleaned every building, and every bus. So many children fell ill that Superintendent Robin Buchler wrote on the schools web-site...
"Parents can do their part by keeping kids home if they seem under the weather"
Exactly what the virus is remains a mystery to Larry Wile Jr., MD. Mlive.com reported that Dr. Wile said...
"We have no confirmation at this time as to what virus hit Mattawan, but as more students visit their physicians and they report to us, we may have more information later this week,"
No one wants to get sick so UWHeath.org has some easy, and great advice to stay healthy
- Wash your hands frequently (even if you are not an employee, lol).
- Wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
- Avoid sharing objects
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
- Get enough sleep
- Reduce stress
- Eat right
- Avoid crowds.
- Wipe down shared items (doorknobs, counters, phones, etc.) on a regular basis.
And if you are sick, stay home from school and work. Hope You feel better soon!