Kalamazoo Rallying Tomorrow To Save The Stack
From 1917 until 1984, Kalamazoo was the home of Gibson guitars with the building that still stands at 225 Parsons St. But its most notable feature is the over 70-foot tall smokestack that comes off the top of the building. Now, with the stack having to come down, local residents are coming together to "Save The Stack."
During a structural evaluation that took place in early 2014, it was determined that the smokestack was not only leaning but was also in danger of falling over. On top of that, It's located over a 14” gas main, which would be very dangerous if it eventually does fall over.
The stack stands as a musical and industrial landmark for the city and people of Kalamazoo. Funds are currently being raised through their website to afford the soft demolition needed to take down, repair and rebuild the smokestack. The total cost of the project is expected to be around $570,000.
If you're interested in attending this fundraiser, come to Shakespear's Lower Level, Saturday night for a unique all-star blues jam hosted by Blue Veins. Doors are at 8 P.M. and there is a $5 entry fee that goes towards the "Save The Stack" fundraiser. Additional donations are being accepted as well.
Orville Gibson put Kalamazoo on the musical map in the late 1800's. Let's do him proud and save this landmark. Rock on!
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