Kalamazoo Police Capture Alligator Crossing Busy Street
It was just another day on the job, as a Kalamazoo Police Sergeant patrolled the streets of the Edison Neighborhood. It was Pre-Hump Day Tuesday, and all was well. But then, something caught the officer’s trained eye. Some sort of creature was crawling across Lake Street, one of the busier streets in Kalamazoo. It surely wasn’t one of your run-of-the-mill feral cats, known to roam the vicinity. Nope, it was your basic alligator.
The small reptile, believed to be an American alligator, was crawling across Lake Street, near Division Street. Fellow officers were called in to set up a perimeter to keep the gator from entering nearby storm sewer inlets. A local alligator sanctuary was contacted before the critter was turned over to animal control.

Alligator Sanctuary, located in Niles, seemed to be the perfect choice for the wandering, homeless reptile. There will be plenty of new friends, including “Godzilla” and “Medusa”, and a more suitable environment offering a large pool and grassy lawns to lounge about. And, also, the public can come, observe and interact.
It seems Kalamazoo Police are unsure whether the gator was an escapee or if it was released into the neighborhood by its owner. To cover all bases, they are reminding those in the community who choose to keep exotic pets, chapter 7 of the city ordinances covers the ownership of such animals within the city limits. Additionally, these animals take a great deal of care, time, and resources. Should you find yourself not capable of caring for any pet, there are resources available to properly resolve this. In the meantime, it’s comforting to know that the Kalamazoo Police can provide gator-aid to the Edison neighborhood.
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