If you've lived in this part of Michigan for any length of time, you know one of the best things about this time of year, is roadside farm stands popping  up and selling you directly farm to mouth.

The middle of June is the start of the strawberry season in Michigan and this year's crop, shall we say, so far, is underwhelming at best. And like anything else these days. everyone has an opinion and is more than happy to share it with you, and many of the opinions are diametrically opposed to each other.

veggie stand 3
Veggies and fruit displayed in western Kalamazoo County (Dave Benson, TSM)

Talking strawberries, you'll hear it's too cold, too wet, too dry and too warm. But everyone knows, strawberries are sensitive.

Blueberries are looking good, though all this rain probably isn't helping any.

Veggie stand display in western Kalamazoo County (Dave Benson, TSM)
Veggie stand display in western Kalamazoo County (Dave Benson, TSM)

It's a little surprising to see tomatoes. Seems like those start showing up into the summer months. But there's asparagus in abundance, along with zucchini and squash..

It's probably too late to pick up a bunch of these for a Father's Day dinner feast, but maybe for the Summer Solstice or Fourth of July, and then you can add some tasty peaches and cream sweet corn. Just remember to wrap it in foil and soak it in water for six hours before you put it out on the grill. You're welcome.

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