How Kalamazoo Are You? Tally Up Your Score
As I spend more time around different areas in Kalamazoo, I'm trying to think of all the different things I still haven't done and things I plan on doing once we are allowed to re-open stores and shops in the area. Also, I'm trying to think of where else I have to visit in the area that I've never been to before. So I wanna see how many people stack up as being TRUE Kalamazoo.
Since moving to Kalamazoo in late 2017, I've been lucky enough to experience some cool things that are sadly no longer around. One of my first experiences was the Haunted Hallow at the Olde World Village in Augusta. That was sadly closed down after the 2017 season, so the importance of hitting up places before they close has never been more relevant than now. Go through this list of things to do in the Kalamazoo area and give yourself a point for every thing that you've done on this list and see how many points you get at the end of it.

How Kalamazoo Are You? Give Yourself A Point For Each One.
So, how did you do? Like I mentioned, there are a couple STAPLE sites I still haven't managed to get around to but I definitely plan on hitting them up once we start seeing places open back up again.
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