Fun 80’s Nostalgia On Kalamazoo Facebook Marketplace Marvels
One of the best things about Facebook, especially during a pandemic, is that you have the ability to basically go garage sale-ing without actually having to go in person. I find most of the stuff listed on the Facebook Marketplace to actually be handy or valuable for most people. If you ever need anything for your house or yard, there usually seems to be something of good quality for a good price listed on it. If you follow it daily you can actually find some sweet deals before they get sold.
But lately I've been keeping my eye on some of the off the wall, fun, goofy and strange things for sale that people often list. This weekly scavenger hunt for the oddest things in our area has paid off as I deliver 3 more unique, odd and interesting things that are listed right now on the Kalamazoo Markeplace. This week I've found 3 different but exciting things available on the MP. The first listing is a vintage doll of an 80's tv icon, the second listing is for anyone looking to fill out their Halloween decor, and the last listing is one of the coolest, tackiest chairs I've ever seen. Let's dabble:
1. Pee Wee Herman Doll- $30. It says the talking is a hit or miss. Works sometimes. Always awesome though.
2. Vintage Halloween Decorations- $150- This one might set you back but you won't find these classics in a store. The ones with plugs haven't been tested, and some need a new light kit (cheap buy).
3. Watermelon Chair- $35- Adorable vintage wood ice cream parlor chair. Freshly painted and recovered seat. Other people might buy a fancy chair to fit in, but I got watermelown to help me sit in (if you know, you know).
READ MORE: Worst Dollar Store Buys