Evil Dead The Musical Coming To Midland This October
One of the all-time best horror musicals is coming to Michigan this Halloween season, and if there's one word that could describe it, it would most likely be..." groovy." Evil Dead The Musical will be making its way to Midland for a three-weekend showing at Stratford Woods Park in Midland. The Six Eleven Theatre Company recently made the announcement on Facebook:
We are so excited about our next show for 611 Midland! We will be taking you deep into Stratford Woods park to our cabin in the woods. This will be a three-weekend performative event with the Evil Dead musical, Food trucks, a small scare walk, costume contests, and more. Look out for more information regarding our Halloween event in Midland Michigan

What's It About?
It's obviously based on the original film starring Western Michigan University Alumni Bruce Campbell:
Evil Dead is an American horror film franchise created by Sam Raimi consisting of four feature films and a television series. The series revolves around the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, an ancient Sumerian text that wreaks havoc upon a group of cabin inhabitants in a wooded area in Tennessee.
The musical somewhat combines the first & second movies together along with Bruce Campbell Vs The Army of Darkness, all while entertaining with quirky and at times, R-rated humor and song.
How Much Are Tickets?
General Admission is $25 and Blood Zone Seats are $30 (Yes, there will be "blood.") Students get a $5 discount.
What Dates Is It Showing?
October 13,14, 15 (Rain Day 16)
October 20, 21, 22 (Rain Day 23)
October 27, 28, 29 (Rain Day 30)
All shows begin at 8 p.m.
The show is outdoors and you must bring your own seating (blankets or lawn chairs).
Tickets can be purchased here.
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This show & video are NC-17
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