Michigan Business Not Allowing Patrons In That Reek of Marijuana
I'm fully aware businesses can set their own grounds rules. A Michigan business in Detroit has made it very clear that they are looking for a certain kind of customer and did just that. The Caucus Club in Detroit describes themselves as a "modern take on the classic dining experience perfect for Detroit's revitalization." In a Facebook post made recently they were pretty blunt (if you'll excuse the pun) about people they do and do not want coming into their business, stating:
Seriously people, hoodies and jerseys are not business attire. Neither are ball caps and sneakers. Most importantly, if you smell like marijuana don’t even think of stepping inside the Caucus Club. #keepitclassy #nocheechandchong #theydontservehotdogs
The continue by posting videos recorded on their phone off a computer screen, seemingly unable to let their own argument go. Now as a business, they absolutely have a right to set a dress code, but as someone who's been a victim of the "dress code," I find the whole thing laughable. There was a business I spent good money at in my hometown of Rochester Hills in Downtown Rochester, and they wouldn't let us in because we were wearing those huge bondage pants you used to get at Hot Topic. So they lost business from 7 people permanently and we never went back, and those are the sacrifices this company is willing to take.
Some people also gave some feedback on Reddit, which made total sense to me from both sides of the arguement:
I'm constantly smelling of bud but it is no where near alcohol my friend. Why would you ban me if all I do is come in your business and spend money politely lol? All the kids are hitting dabs, wax, etc. You can't even smell anything and they're high AF. Parent of a 20 year old daily user. & they haven't smelled like weed in 2 years.
On the other side of things, the club was stood up for:
It would depend on what kind of establishment I was running and whether banning the people reeking of weed would hurt my business or help it.
It doesn't appear that weed smokers would damage this business, but since it is there's and they want a certain vibe and feel, it's there right to install a dress code. I will just continue to laugh at places who do this. (Tony Baker Voice *You think you better than me out here...)