5 Things Everyone From Gobles Knows
Gobles is our next stop as we highlight small towns in West Michigan. If you know these 5 things, you're probably from Gobles.
5 Things Everyone From Gobles Knows
#5 1984 was the best year ever! No, not because of Prince and Madonna. That's the year the Gobles Tigers won the state football championship.
#4 Club M aka Murawski's Tavern. When former Gobles residents come back home to visit friends and family, Club M is first on thier list.
#3 Timber Ridge. People have been coming to Timber Ridge from all over the state for the last 50 years for winter fun. It's been a weekly hangout for many Gobles families.
#2 Hatchet Man Road! Gobles is home to one of the most famous Urban Legends. Click here to learn more.
#1 Nino's Pizza! Nino's is without a doubt a staple of Gobles.
Coming up next...Lawton, MI!
Check out a couple West Michigan Cities we've highlighted below.