The second the thermometer reads anything above 50 degrees, you are sure to see Michiganders in Kalamazoo do these four things, just to enjoy the sunshine.

  • Photo Credit: Google Maps
    Photo Credit: Google Maps

    Eat Ice Cream At Plainwell Ice Cream Co.

    With any warm weather comes the craving for ice cream. We don't want just ANY ice cream, in Kalamazoo we bet you are headed to Plainwell Ice Cream Co. that is now open for the season! Their "made from scratch" ice cream is the envy of all south west Michigan and their opening for the summer is a sign that the warm weather is here to stay.

  • Photo Credit: Google Maps
    Photo Credit: Google Maps

    Sit Outside At Water Street Coffee Joint

    Kalamazoo has no shortage of great places to hang out outside while enjoying the hustle and bustle of downtown. But as sunny days emerge you are hard pressed to take a drive through Kalamazoo without seeing a cluster of coffee drinkers enjoying the quaint seating at Water Street Coffee Joint. While I favor Iced Coffee With A Bang, you can get a number of great coffee drinks at Waterstreet!

  • Photo Credit:Tess Taylor
    Photo Credit:Tess Taylor

    Visit Lake Michigan

    Whether your favorite spot is South Haven beach or if you plan to head to the dunes at Grand Mere, Michiganders in South West Michigan don't wait for the water to warm up before we hit the beach to enjoy the sun. So take a hike or go read a book on the quiet beach before summer is upon us, cause we're betting the sun is here to stay.

  • Photo Credit: Portland Press Herald / Getty Images
    Photo Credit: Portland Press Herald / Getty Images

    Go Disc Golfing

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