Woman Impersonates FBI Agent Then Steals Truck in Akron, Ohio
What the suspect did a couple hours after impersonating an FBI agent and stealing a truck was very unexpected.
Lisa Pinter of Cuyahoga Falls is the 50-year-old suspect in a case that would make Florida jealous. An employee of Stan's Auto Service told the police how this whole caper began according to Cleveland.com,
Pinter was in the lobby of the business when he arrived for work early Monday morning. The worker says Pinter told him she was a federal agent and showed him a photo ID from the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Census.
The suspect allegedly then drove off with the man's 2011 Ford F150. Pinter was then arrested a couple hours later when she returned the truck. Yes, you read that correctly. The suspect returned the truck when she was finished with it. That's got to be a first.
The most important question that the police report is not addressing is this. Why did she need a truck for 2 hours so bad that she would pretend to be an FBI agent and "borrow" a truck? Maybe this fake FBI agent had to help a friend move. We need answers.
Pinter was charged with theft by deception and impersonating a police officer.
Not to let Ohio completely off the hook here. But something very similar happened in January of this year in South Bend, Indiana as a woman wearing an FBI hat claimed to work for the CIA. Click here for that story.

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