Ohio Woman Follows Cops While Driving a Stolen Driver’s Ed Car
A series of very bad decisions led to this Ohio woman's arrest Sunday Morning.
Full disclosure, I'm not an expert criminal. I wouldn't have a clue how to steal a car. However, if I were to make such a terrible decision there are a few things I would avoid.
#1 I would not steal a car that sticks out like a soar thumb. For example, a driver's education vehicle.
#2 I then would avoid police. That seems like a far better plan than following a Butler County deputy for 11 miles.
But again, I'm no expert criminal. Apparently, Christina King of Middletown, Ohio had a far different strategy around 7 AM last Sunday morning. That's when Sgt. Michael Matala noticed he was being followed by a B-Safe Driver Education car. Every single turn he made for 11 miles, King was on his tail.
Oh, I should add a #3 to the list above. Don't break any traffic laws while following law enforcement in my new stolen driver's ed car. The deputy pulled King over after she allegedly committed a couple moving violations while she followed him.
When King was asked why she was following the Butler County deputy she responded, "Wanted to see where he was going." Sheriff Richard Jones told Fox19.com,
They drive to our jail and get arrested in the parking lot, now they are following our deputies across the county just to be arrested. We have a lot of deputies working today if anyone else wants to turn themselves in.
King is being charged with receiving stolen property.