What Were The Gunshots In Kalamazoo Friday Morning?
Beginning at 6:59 AM the sounds of gunshots rang through the Kalamazoo / Comstock area Friday Morning for about half an hour.
We asked the question this morning on the radio, what are all of these gunshots? Here are a couple answers we received.
#1 "I think deer hunting season started today."
According to the DNR, Regular Firearm Deer Hunting is Nov. 15-30, 2017
#2 "Could it be in honor of Veterans Day?"
That's a valid question since Veterans Day is Saturday. However, I can't find any local Veterans Day events happening on Friday. They all seem to be on Saturday according to this MLive story,
The Rotary Club of Kalamazoo-Sunrise and the Kalamazoo County Veterans Service Office sponsor the Kalamazoo County Veterans Day Ceremony at 2 p.m. at the Rose Park Veterans Memorial at West Michigan Avenue and Kings Highway. Featured speaker will be Michael Wilson, regional coordinator in Southwest Michigan for the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency. He is also a retired command sergeant major in the U.S. Army and a veteran of Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. This year's master of ceremonies is Mike Hoss, coordinator of the Kalamazoo County Veterans Services Office. Music will be provided by Scott Thornburg, Grace Kalafut and the Kalamazoo Area Pipers.
There is another possibility. There is a gun club just North of Gull Rd on Sprinkle Rd. I can't find hours of operation on their website or an event for today on their calendar. Not to mention, it seems awful early that to be the case. But right now, the jury is out on the source of all of the gunshots we're hearing this morning.
Do you have a theory or information on the source of all of the gunfire? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
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