What The Heck Were People In Michigan Driving This Weekend?
This weekend I took a road trip up to a beautiful and desolate part of Michigan called Presque Isle. It's located north of Alpena. We were getting ready for spring by helping my sister-in-law's parents put the docks in the lake. It was a gorgeous weekend which ended with many puzzling sights on the freeway. We noticed a truck ahead of us that didn't seem to have a flat bed door. Then we realized the whole back end of the car was off. Then we noticed that the dude din't even have tail lights. They were children's seats from some play-thing attached with a strip of wire. Just a reminder, child seats don't count as taillights no matter what color they are:
Shortly after that we spotted some guy cruising down the highway with stickers covering his back windshield. We couldn't get a good picture, but we did snag a shot of the guy with his spare tire hanging around his antenna with what looked like a pizza box dangling off his car:
Then after that, here was a guy doing 75 on the highway with his friggin leg dangling out his door:
Unbelievable trip home to say the least.
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