Are The Westnedge Hill Garage Sales Happening In 2021?
The Westnedge Hill Garage Sales are one of the most looked forward to events of the spring season, however, last year it was cancelled because of the pandemic. Normally, every year on the first Saturday of May, garage sales line Westnedge for a fun weekend of browsing and helping the community members by selling goods no longer needed. Last year after it was cancelled, there was an attempt to re-schedule the event but it never went down. Currently on Reddit, there are unconfirmed rumors that it's still on, although with less than 4 weeks to go, there has been no signage or advertising for it:
It's kinda happening, and is scheduled for Saturday, May 1st. A handful of people are organizing an event but the response so far seems even less enthusiastic than last year. It's still a month off so maybe interest will grow, but I wouldn't expect it to look anything like it did in the before times. Also, if you park in front of my driveway your car will be towed.
Searching Facebook events, there is no information about the event taking place, where it has been advertised in the past. So far there seems to be nothing but what appears to be "insider" information about the sales. Someone obviously knows the organizers but nothing has been official announced in regards to dates or any kind of cancellation.
More and more events are getting pushed back because of the Covid-19 spike in Michigan, so the best we can hope for is that it gets pushed back instead of fully cancelled.