Website Lets You Find Every Record Store On The Planet
I've run into the problem of searching out record shops before. Over on the west side of Michigan it's been a little easy since Kalamazoo has a strong music scene, with Satellite and Green Light Records being staples in the community. But what about other parts of Michigan? Over on the East side it can be a little difficult to track down every record store out there. But with this website called vinylhub, you can literally track down every record store in the world.
The interactive map allows you to zoom in on Michigan, and scroll to wherever you wanna search out. In Michigan alone we have 66 record shops. 22 in the Metro Detroit area. The closest ones to Kalamazoo are 74 Kid Records in Coloma and 3 Pillars Music in Benton Harbor. It also allows you to click on the map and store which will take you to an information page that has a link to the stores' website.