Video of Deer Running Wild in an Ohio Kroger Goes Viral
There's a moment the deer runs through the meat department that gets awkward.
In fact, there's a moment where the deer jumps over the meat counter. You can see a shot of that at the :10 mark of the video from WTHR below.
Kroger released a statement about the incident according to the Indy Star,
A Kroger spokesperson said in a statement Sunday that the store had "a surprise visitor last night." The deer entered through the front doors of the store, and after it left, "the manager and store team performed a thorough cleaning of the area." "I hope, in her time near the meat case, the deer noticed our expanded selection of plant based protein products," the statement said.
WSBT posted one of the customer's videos on their facebook page. You can get a much better look at Bambi.
The Zionsville, OH store didn't sustain any major damage. The deer had minor injuries. However, he will be fine.