Relatively speaking, Kalamazoo is not a violent city.  However, there are a few areas you are likely to get punched in the face.


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    Milham Park - E Kilgore Rd Near Lovers Ln shows multiple assaults and a disturbing the peace call in just the last couple weeks at Milham Park.  Just stand around for a couple hours, you might get punched in the face.

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    West Douglas - Ravine Rd to Alamo Ave

    It's like the Oprah Show of getting punched in the face.  You get a punch....and you get a punch.  That's the very technical way of saying that MANY assaults have recently been reported in this small area.

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    Kalamazoo Station - Downtown

    Whether you're getting your train ticket punched or your face, the Kalamazoo Station is a big hit downtown.  See what I did there?  Sorry, I'm feelin' a bit punchy.

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    Northside - Interfaith Blvd

    Just a hop, skip and a punch from the West Douglas Neighborhood there were quite a large number of assaults reported on Interfaith Blvd in the Northside Neighborhood.

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    Vine Neighborhood - Park St and Walnut

    Well ain't that a kick in the head.  The Vine Neighborhood looks way to nice to get punched in the face during a visit.  However, assaults galore have been reported this month.

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