Kalamazoo gets a “barely livable” ranking while Battle Creek is “somewhat livable” according to this site.

Areavibes.com ranked our local neighborhoods by amenities, cost of living, crime, education, employment, housing and weather.  Overall Kalamazoo and Battle Creek got an F in crime, education and employment. Battle Creek got an overall livability score of 60, Kalamazoo 57.

Here are the 5 Best Neighborhoods in Kalamazoo.

#5  South Side: Livability Score of 66

Amenities: A+
Cost of Living: A-
Crime:  F
Education:  C+
Employment:  C
Housing:  D-
Weather:  C+

The South Side of Kalamazoo ranked #13 in the State of Michigan.


#4  Westnedge Hill: Livability Score of 71

Amenities:  A+
Cost of Living:  B+
Crime:  D-
Education:  F
Employment:  A+
Housing:  D+
Weather:  C+

Westnedge Hill ranked #7 in the State of Michigan.


#3  Colony Farm: Livability Score of 72

Amenities:  C-
Cost of Living:  B
Crime: D+
Education:  B
Employment:  B
Housing: D+
Weather: C+

Colony Farm ranked #5 in the State of Michigan.


#2  Hill An Brook: Livability Score of 73

Amenities: B-
Cost of Living:  B
Crime: D+
Education:  B
Employment:  B
Housing: D+
Weather: C+

Hill An Brook ranked #3 in the State of Michigan.


#1  Oakland-Winchell: Livability Score of 78

Amenities:  A+
Cost of Living:  B+
Crime: D+
Education:  C
Employment:  B+
Housing: C-
Weather: C+

Oakland-Winchell ranked #2 in the State of Michigan.

Do you think these rankings nail on the head or are they way off?  Let us know in the facebook comments.  Get more Kalamazoo neighborhood rankings by clicking here.



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