Southwest Michigan Miracle League Prepping For First Season: Looking For Volunteers
Right now, we all need a reason to go out and enjoy some activities again and one in particular is for a great cause. The Southwest Michigan Miracle League is getting ready to launch their inaugural season. The Southwest Michigan Miracle League is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide opportunities for kids, regardless of their abilities, to compete and experience the joy and benefits that come from playing sports. Registration for players is now open and they're looking for some extra hands.
Currently the league is looking for volunteers, coaches and player buddies who would be willing to help and assist in the league and during games. Some of the spots needed are for:
• Assist the player by holding their hand, pushing their wheelchair, or helping them in whatever capacity they need help
• Protect the player at all times, & allow the player as much freedom to play his/her own game as possible
• Ensure the player has fun and have good spirit, enthusiasm, love, attitude, and concern in motivating the player and their families
• Age requirement is 14+ (exception: if buddy is a player’s sibling, must be 10 or older)

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Those interested in getting registered can do that here, and any addition info can be emailed to registration@swmimiracle.org. Games will be held at the Southwest Michigan Miracle Field in Schoolcraft, Michigan, which was established and mostly finished in 2020 at 12935 US-131, Schoolcraft, MI 49087. They're now aiming to add more parking, installing lights, landscaping the property around the field, and more through fundraising.