With signs of summer finally arriving in Ohio, seasonal allergies and illness are unfortunately here too. While many suffer from sneezing and coughing, other illnesses plague Ohio residents. One infectious disease is continuing to spread in Ohio schools.


Infectious Disease Cases Rise In Ohio Schools

Many students in Ohio schools look forward to the school year's end. As students focus on fun year-end school activities, there are also year-end sicknesses that won’t go away until the school year’s over. And one serious illness is sending kids to the doctor's office.

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Doctor's offices and ER departments are seeing cases of scarlatina, known as Scarlet Fever, in school-aged children. According to Ohio Pediatrics, Scarlet Fever is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus (GAS) bacteria, which also causes strep throat. The bacteria produces a bright red, bumpy rash that makes the skin feel like sandpaper. Scarlet Fever almost always includes a high fever and sore throat. Other symptoms include tender lymph nodes, belly pain, nausea and vomiting, and decreased appetite. Scarlet fever is extremely contagious and mostly affects children ages 5-15. In the past, it was a serious childhood illness, but modern antibiotics have made it less threatening.


Scarlet fever is passed on through coughing, sneezing, and close contact with someone diagnosed with the illness. Health professionals suggest frequent hand washing to avoid catching Scarlet Fever and to help prevent further spread.

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