Where to Go? This Site Helps Plan a Perfect Michigan Road Trip
As we scooch into Summer, you may be planning your annual or even your first ever road trip. Road trips are an incredible way to see parts of your state and the rest of the country that may have been unknown to you in the past.
Of course, the current price of gas may be putting a damper on your plans. But, regardless, when you're planning a proper road trip, finding interesting stops along the way is a must. Sometimes, though, that can prove to be a bit overwhelming. After all, there's so much to see out there. Thankfully, there's a website that can take care of that planning process for you.
I stumbled across this on Tiktok of all places where a user by the name of Matty McTech, or @setupspawn, shares useful websites that we should all know about. The specific video I came across was about a site called roadtrippers.com:
*Side note: yes, I noticed how he pronounced Miami. No, we don't have time to dive into that right now.*
Roadtrippers.com seems fairly easy to understand and use. The home page, which you can find here, asks you to enter your destination and where you're traveling from. You can also explore different areas if you're unsure of where you want to travel to.

Once you've entered your destination, the map plots out a direct course. As an example, I've chosen to travel from Kalamazoo to Mackinac Island:
Pretty basic, right? And, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Yeah, but I already have Google Maps/the iPhone map." True. But, what makes this site so useful is how you can find and add little side destinations on the way. The further in you zoom on the map, the more options you'll see:
Again, as an example, I'm going to choose to visit a few random places along the way. I've chosen Rainbow Ranch, Mission Point Lighthouse, and Avalanche Bay Indoor Water Park. You simply click on each location, select 'add to trip', and viola! Your course has been plotted:
There's also a companion app you can use for turn-by-turn navigation which you can find here.
If you're like me and get frustrated with having to be the one to plan everything out, this could certainly be a useful tool. As well, it works no matter where you're traveling. Want to head to the west coast of America? The process works just the same.
If you're planning a road trip to Traverse City and are a wine lover, I would encourage you to hold off until the Fall. The sites are incredible. Don't know where to go? Hopefully, this will help:
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