Pop-Up Bike Way to Connect Edison, Vine This Thursday-Sunday
City of Kalamazooka will establish a protected “pop up” bike way connecting the Vine and Edison Neighborhoods from Thursday, June 16 through Sunday, June 19.
The route will travel from the Vine Business District east along Vine Street before heading south on Walter and Bank Streets, and East on Collins Street towards Portage Street. The route also provides convenient access to the Kalamazoo Farmers’ Market, which is located on the route on Bank Street.
The project coincides with National Dump the Pump Day on Thursday, June 16, which encourages residents to take advantage of public transit and commuting alternatives other than personal vehicle use.
The City of Kalamazoo also says "In light of the tragic accident that took place in Cooper Township on June 7, the need for safe non-motorized transportation options and greater consideration of cyclists and pedestrians has been highlighted for much of the nation. Pop up bike way projects are meant to serve as a practical demonstration of which routes work best and demonstrate the positive impact of 'complete streets'."
A similar project was held last June to explore a downtown connection for the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, which is scheduled to begin construction this Fall.
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