Plainsman Motel off U.S. 131 In Schoolcraft Burning Down Sept. 25
The Plainsman Motel, which has been the center of fascination for many people in Schoolcraft is finally set to be burned down in a training exercise at 12500 U.S. 131, on Sept. 25. The burn was originally set to take place in Spring of this year, but had been delayed. Many people in the comment section of a recent feed reacted to the structure that for borrowed time, still stands:
It’s sad, I like to stay in drive up motels, this reminds me of one I stay at when passing though Gaylord “The Timberly Motel” it clean, well kept, nice people, $50 per night. It’s to bad this one didn’t survive.

Some people actually believe the motel grounds to be a place where spirits dwell:
I can't believe you got out to explore. I pulled in there one day to answer my cell so as I sat there talking I swear it felt like someone/something was watching me. Gave me goosebumps and felt like it was evil. I will NEVER pull in there again it still gives me shivers when I pass it. This happened a couple years ago.
The South Kalamazoo County Fire Authority made the announcement on when distant onlookers may get a chance to glimpse the burn, although they caution to stay away from the exercise:
SKCFA will be conducting a training burn on the old Plainsman Motel at 12500 US 131 on Saturday, September 25th starting at approximately 0900 hrs. The burn is expected to last most of the day. Smoke could blow across the highway at times and emergency vehicles will be entering/exiting the highway in this area. Please use caution if you are in this area on Sept 25th.
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