Parents Beware Of The Sarahah App
Sarahah is a new app spreading like wildfire but will your teen get burned?
On it's face, I see how this app could be a very useful tool for a work place Human Resources Department or customer service. Judging by the 'about us' section at sarahah.com that is the app's purpose,
Sarahah helps you in discovering your strengths and areas for improvement by receiving honest feedback from your employees and your friends in a private manner.
However, this app has rightfully caused concern for parents. Here is a message we received in our Facebook page inbox from a concerned Kalamazoo parent regarding Sarahah:
I am sharing a snap shot picture from a message my daughter received using Sarahah.com, which is an app that is supposed to allow friends, etc, to give you positive feedback, and you can remain anonymous . This message was sent to my daughter (age 13) from, in my mind, a jealous coward. If you have children please make sure you are aware of these types of apps. This particular person goes as far as telling my daughter to KYS (kill your self). These types of apps are horribly missed used by young kids. I am so extremely mad and upset, and sent this concern directly to Sarahah@sarahah.com.
Teens are using this app as a self-esteem builder. Sharing their Sarahah link on social media in the hopes of getting compliments. Unfortunately, it's opened the door for mean spirited people to send threatening or cruel messages anonymously.
There may not be a lot the app can do to prevent that, outside of the ability to report offenders. However, as parents we must keep an eye on what our teens are doing with their smartphone devices.
The proper use of Sarahah would include leaving feedback for the city of Grand Rapids which you can do by clicking here. I think it is safe to say, there is no place for this app on your teens phone.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
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