Ohio Woman Mistakes Insect Bite For Gunshot Wound and Calls Cops
Police rushed to a home in Bethel, Ohio on a shooting call. It didn't go as expected.
A woman was apparently just chillin' at her home Tuesday Night when something horrifying happened. She realized she had been shot in the shoulder according to dailymail.co.uk,
Authorities in Bethel say the incident took place at around 10:13pm on Tuesday, when police received a call from the 300 block of East Osborne Street. When police arrived at the scene and realized that the woman was stung by an insect, medical first responders were called to provide treatment.
We've all been there right? We have a mysterious injury and we don't have a clue where it came from. However, are things so bad in Bethel, Ohio that the first place your mind goes to is gunshot? I'm no Doctor. But isn't it a long leap from insect bite to gunshot wound.
The Village of Bethel posted the incident on their facebook page. There are 72 glorious comments for you to enjoy by clicking here.