Ohio Law Enforcement Issues a Hilarious ‘Not My Pants’ PSA
This public service announcement from an Ohio Sheriff made laugh so hard I peed a little.
The Montgomery County Sheriff Office posted this hilarious message to the public on their facebook page last Thursday,
Prior to wearing someone else's pants, please remove all drugs, drug paraphernalia, stolen property, or any other illegal items the "owner" of the pants may have left behind. "These are not my pants," is not an affirmative defense.
With 2.6 thousand shares so far, people seem to really taking head of the warning.
If you work in law enforcement or have watched any reality/crime TV show like Cops or Live PD this statement probably made you chuckle.
Since us Michiganders have such a strong rivalry with Ohio, we frequently showcase stories that make fun of Ohioans for our feature "Ohio...Stop It." To be clear, today we're poking fun at the suspects that are wearing other people's pants. Not the county Sheriff.
Side note: I realize if you are caught with drugs you are already making bad decisions. However, telling the police that "these are not my pants" is a hilarious bad decision.