Man Who Called Ohio’s Lockdown B.S. Has Died Due To Covid-19
Five weeks after he slammed the Ohio Governor on social media for closing bars and restaurants John W. McDaniel passed away.
Important note: This story is no way making fun of a man dying. There are many family members and friends mourning his death.
According to the Marion Star,
OhioHealth officials confirmed Thursday that John W. McDaniel, 60, Marion, died at 1:34 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15 at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus. He was receiving treatment for the COVID-19 virus at Riverside when he passed away.
Marion county's first confirmed Covid-19 death, McDaniel was the president of the O&M Company and leaves behind his wife and children.
This is by no means an "I told you so" story, but a cautionary one. The reason why McDaniel's death has been getting world-wide coverage is directly connected to his facebook rants calling the coronavirus a "political ploy" and that the Ohio shutdown was "bullsh@t." His facebook profile has either been marked private or taken down since he passed. The Daily Mail shared screenshots of his facebook posts that read,
If What I'm hearing is true, that DeWine has ordered all bars and restaurants to be closed, I Say Bullsh@t! He doesn't have that authority. If you are paranoid about getting sick just don't go out. It shouldn't keep those of us from Living our Lives. The Madness has to stop.
Another one of his facebook posts said,
Does anybody have the guts to say this Covid19 is a political ploy? Asking for a friend. Prove Me Wrong.
John McDaniel is not the first to publicly speak out against social distancing only to succumb to the virus. NBC News tells us that after refusing to close his church and obey "Stay Home" orders Virginia Bishop Gerald Glenn died from the virus and now his wife, two daughters and son-in-law are sick. His sermon was on March 22nd. He died just 3 weeks later.
Our hearts go out to all of those families who have lost loved ones during this pandemic. If you stay home and stay safe, you are saving the lives of vulnerable people in your community.
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