Among the travel issues that many Michigan residents must continue dealing with, especially during the most recent Memorial Day holiday observance, is the ongoing travel ban to Canada. It’s generally been pretty quiet at the Southeast Michigan bridges to Canada and the Detroit Windsor Tunnel. The blockade for non-essential personal travel was first initiated near the end of March last year,  barely two weeks following the initial widespread reports of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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This past week there was a little border crossing excitement. But not the kind enforcement teams want to deal with. A man was spotted swimming across the St. Clair River near the Blue Water Bridge at Port Huron. Fox 2 Detroit reports the swimmer seemingly had his sights on the American side of the border.  Enforcement officers at first made contact while he was still swimming. He told them he didn’t need help. But more border control agents were waiting for him when he finished the swim at the Port Huron shoreline. The man told border enforcement officers he was looking for a job. Didn’t get him much sympathy. He was returned to Canada in short order. But this time he made the trip in a government vehicle.

Canada’s resident vaccination rate is lower than here in the US. That’s one factor behind the continued border blockade for personal travel.

Some Canadian leaders have been asking The Whitmer administration in Lansing, and the US Government to be nice and share vaccine doses that might be going to waste here.

WXYZ-TV in Detroit reports there are some preliminary discussions underway about the issue, but there appears to be nothing close to a deal at this point. reports the reminder that the ban also involves US citizens traveling for personal reasons to Mexico. The US Department of Homeland Security is confirming the travel ban.  In a tweet. DHS is reporting, "To fight #COVID19 spread and protect our citizens, the U.S. is continuing restrictions on non-essential travel at land borders through June 21, while allowing essential trade & travel. We're working closely with Canada & Mexico to safely ease restrictions as conditions improve."

Travel to Canada is not totally closed if you want to enter the country for leisure or personal reasons. But the hoops you need to jump through are notable including quarantine requirements. Most people find them beyond the level of acceptance.

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