INSTAMAZOO: From The Women’s March To The Heavy Fog Over The Weekend In Kalamazoo, Your Photos Told The Story
YOUR Instagram photos from this eventful weekend with the hashtag #Kalamazoo.
If you were in Kalamazoo over the weekend, you probably received a severe weather alert on your phone because of the dense fog. But that didn't stop you from capturing photos and taking part in the women's march that took place downtown. It was Kalamazoo Beer week AND Bell's Hop Slam was just released and your photos sum it up.
FINALLY! #hopslam #craftbeer #bellsbrewery #kalamazoo #stlouis #alittlebitofhome #hopsaretasty A photo posted by Nikki Royce (@nmroyce) on
Fogged up world #fog #hardtodrive #january #midwest #michigan #kalamazoo A photo posted by Michael Clifford (@mclifford11) on
The architecture downtown Kalamazoo is so strange and interesting. Different eras of design on every corner. #seriously #explorewhereyoulive #lookup #mirrors #reflections #kalamazoo #downtownkalamazoo #onlydowntownkzoo #discoverkzoo #architecture #architextures #design #windows #sky #buildings #oldandnew #brickandglass #michigancities #walkingmall A photo posted by Jami Rose Fevig (@oonahrose) on
Women's march in #kalamazoo spreading love and giving awareness to so many important things that NEED to be discussed. #equality #womensmarch #walk #women #lgbt #lgbtq #notmypresident A photo posted by Lillie (@lillietheoneandonly) on
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