Whether you're in Kalamazoo, Battle Creek or Marshall.  There's no hiding from these annoying and illegal robocalls.  However, you might be owed money because of one of them.

I have received hundreds of unwanted calls on my cell phone from resort companies telling me I've won something to US Pharmacy trying to see me Viagra.  Sometimes up to 3 calls a day.

Robocalls and unwanted telemarketing calls are running rampant in Michigan right now.  One thing I know for sure, the FCC is not doing enough to protect us from these calls.  However, there is good news for some of us.  That good news?  A class action lawsuit against Resort Marketing Group, Inc. et al.  Click here to enter your number into the class action website to see if this company owes you $900.

...and if anyone knows how to make the U.S. Pharmacy stop calling me, for the love of God let me know in the comments.



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